Tagged: Legend of Zelda

Master of Time: Echoes of Buddhism in Breath of the Wild (or, is Link a Terton?)

I am extremely excited that Tears of the Kingdom is coming out! Too excited, truth be told. I’ve been getting pangs of desperation so bad that I’ve spent the past two weeks bingeing on its predecessor, Breath of the Wild (BotW). It’s somewhat working. The incredible landscapes, the effortless feeling of movement and adventure (a huge exception being climbing) and the unique ways it breaks the action RPG mould… it takes the edge off. And, as I’ve played, I noticed something that has truly delighted me. I’ve recently been researching Tibetan Buddhism for a creative project and I can see that BotW draws heavily upon one of the stories from Buddhist traditions. Let’s talk about it!

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BoWlog #2: for the love of paragliding!

There’s always a danger in these open world games that exploration is not, or is barely, rewarding. Grand Theft Auto V has this issue with the mountainous areas. All too often I’d scale a mountain, get a nice view, and then find there’s nothing else to do other than trek back down. Worst of all was when you lose/trash your vehicle somehow on a peak, there’s not another vehicle around for miles and no way of getting a taxi back to civilisation… ugh. Yes, I’m saying GTA needs to have paragliders. Continue reading

BoWlog #1: naked vegan runs and blue semen?!

We’re going to be documenting our playthrough of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the Wii U, basically because it’s been the most anticipated game in our home ever! Usually we’re cheapskates, waiting many months or years, deliberating and weighing up pros and cons, whether the time investment will be worth it. This is extremely rare, for us to get a game day-one, so why not try something new blog-wise to accompany it? Continue reading

Walkthrough not optional: replaying Alundra (PS1)

Lack of free time much? Lately, absolutely. But thankfully I have had just enough free space to get in some time with Alundra. Now, I did write a review of Alundra waaay back in 2014 based on my own memories of the game, but at this point it’s been almost 10 years since I actually played the game at great length. Great length indeed – this game is huge! Anyway I’m pleased to report that Alundra has won me over all over again. Continue reading